Are You Depressed? There Is a Way Out!

not depressed anymore

Everyone has witnessed depressed lives or gone through depression at some point. I’ve been there too! And I know it will drain you so much that you won’t find a reason to stay alive. I feel you, and I want you to know that you’re not alone. The things that I’m going to suggest in this article will surely work, but only if you are willing to work on it. Just give it a chance, and trust me, you’ll see changes.

The First Step – Just Stop Thinking Already!

First things first, stop thinking of things that are making you sad and depressed. Whatever they are, you’re just entertaining them and giving them control over your life. The more you think about something, the more prominent it becomes in your life even if you don’t want it. Let me put it another way – if you want to avoid an obstacle while driving, you look for the space to swerve. You won’t look at the object. Our thoughts work the same way. Look for something positive and start thinking about it. If you feel like there’s nothing positive in your life, keep reading. You’ll find an answer.

Stop Caring So Much

I’ve seen many people who are depressed and found something similar in almost all of them. Do you know what that is? They care about others, but a bit too much!

We all have good times with whoever we’re emotionally connected with and get used to spending more and more time with them. But as we grow up, we often forget that people become busy over time. And don’t forget the work-life balance the world offers these days. It is practically impossible for humans to be available to you at all times, even your own family. Considering this while expecting things from people is more important than we realize!


Humans cannot be available all the time. But someone is willing to give it all to you, and that’s God Himself. It sounds silly but it’s the other way around with God. He wants to spend time with His people but they don’t even realize! And people who are always connected with God can give love and care without expecting anything. Because it’s not their love but the love of God that’s working in them.

I want you to learn to spend more time with God. When you pray, don’t look at God like someone distant, sitting somewhere in heaven. He is always right by your side and willing to listen to everything you say.

If I’m not wrong, most people have challenges specifically in the areas that they don’t share with God. I want you to take some time and remember how you generally pray and the things you share. And remember how many times you have talked to God about these things troubling you. You’ll have an answer.

Stop Carrying Burdens and Find Your Purpose

Do you know that the more you keep your burdens from God, the heavier it gets? Whatever is making you depressed, just let God take care of it. You’re not supposed to take control. You’ll find more about it in my previous post on Victorious Life.

You also have to find a distraction and get busy with something else. Find the purpose of your life. If you are passionate or skillful at doing something, stick to it and get busy! This also works for those who feel like there’s nothing positive to think about.

I know it’s not easy but trust me, try to do these things with all your heart and soul. You’ll be amazed to see yourself a few days from now. All the best, God bless!