Lost Zeal for the Word of God?

Lost Zeal

As we get increasingly busy daily, spending time with God becomes even more necessary. We will need more guidance as we take on increasing responsibilities. With all the burden of his kingdom on his shoulders, even David never skipped a day without spending with God. He had to look after the kingdom and his people, yet he never lost zeal. If you think one session every day is normal, David prayed three times a day (Read Psalm 55:16-17). I believe that three times here is only the minimum and he could go even longer.

To have a stable spiritual life, this should be a daily routine for all of us. Because when there is a break in this flow, resisting worldly lust becomes almost impossible. Eventually, when we try to get back, it feels like we lost zeal.

You Must Know What Went Wrong

Knowing where it started will help you prevent it from happening again. For example, you may have this gap because of getting too busy and finding no time for daily devotion. In this case, you can try to manage your time with the help of God. Without this, you may somehow get back the lost zeal but that can be temporary.

Where Can You Start?

Now we’re talking. If I’m not wrong, you’ll not be able to read the Bible at this point. Even if you did, nothing gets into your mind. It sounds discouraging but it’s normal. Because without the help of the Holy Spirit, the Bible is just another history textbook.

Before starting to read the Bible, submit yourself through prayer. When you submit, don’t just keep speaking but give yourself time to listen to Him. Most of the time, He will speak to you through your inner man (a voice in your head) or some other way based on your situation. Whatever pulled you away from God, ask for forgiveness, submit it to Him, and make sure you’re very comfortable with Him. Remember that you’ll understand the scriptures only after getting comfortable. There’s no other way to restore the lost zeal.

What Next?

When submitting to God, He gives a few instructions to get back on track. You must obey it to know what’s next. God generally won’t tell you everything at once. He reveals the second step only after taking the first. So to know what’s next, you must be faithful to what you’re doing right now. There’s no other trick.

How to Prevent This in the Future?

Don’t miss any step. Don’t get distracted, even for a moment. When Peter got distracted by the winds when he tried to walk on water, he fell. He moved his eyes away from Jesus for a second and that was enough to pull him down (Matthew 14:28-30). If you’re consistent in your daily devotion, you will be consistent in every spiritual aspect.


Protecting our Zeal for God is a great responsibility. Whatever we do for God, comes from the same zeal. Whatever you do, remember to submit to God and obey Him in every step you take. If you do it right, you’ll surely see great changes in your spiritual situation. I hope this helps. God bless 😇

If you’d like to know how God speaks, you can read my previous post: Can We Really Hear the Voice of God? If you think this can help someone, please do share this post.