Can We Really Hear the Voice of God?

Voice of God

There are so many testimonies of people having conversations with God. Yet many people are still unsure about hearing the His voice. Is it really possible to hear the voice of God? Are people just imagining things? Here’s what I have to tell you. Yes, God speaks, sometimes so clearly that it is impossible to not notice. This is not something that I’m saying out of nowhere. I experience it personally, in fact, on a daily basis.

Not All Can Hear the Voice of God?

This is a very common question, not only in the context of voice but also in almost every blessing. Personally, a question like this breaks my heart. It reminds me that there are people who miss out on countless blessings just because they are unaware of what they possess.

There are few abilities/gifts that God provides His people based on their calling. There will be different gifts operating in different ministries. (see 1 Corinthians 12 : 4-6). These gifts may be given to people according to their purpose. But there are few things that are accessible to every believer, one of which is the access to the Voice of God. The only qualification needed is to believe.

You Might Have Already Heard Him!

You might have heard the voice of God without knowing it was Him. When God first called Samuel, he didn’t realize it was God and thought it was Eli calling him. (See 1 Samuel 3 : 1-10). Even if He didn’t call you by name, you would have heard a voice in your head that kept you away from harm.

But how do you recognize it’s Him? Are there any signs or special features that we can look for? It’s actually easier to experience than to explain the Voice of God. I will have to write another article only to describe it. But for now, I can give you a direction to head. As you read the Word of God everyday, you will notice a voice that perfectly aligns with the Scriptures, guiding you in all your ways. Get familiar with that Voice. That is the Voice of God.

I will go deeper into this in the next article. Until then, continue to abide by Him. If you are looking for similar articles, I would suggest reading – Falling Too Far, Guilt, and Finding Redemption.

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